What is a CUSA?

CUSA is the acronym for cavitronic ultrasonic surgical aspirator.  This is an amazing device that is used in tumor surgery in a select number of hospitals around the world, and even fewer veterinary hospitals!

The CUSA uses ultrasonic frequencies to basically emulsify the target tissues.  The ultrasound waves cause the cells to dissociate from one another while the device irrigates the area with sterile saline.  The same handpiece then aspirates the fluid back out of the surgical site.  Because the device can be fine-tuned, it allows the surgeon to remove tumors with minimal effect on the adjacent tissues.  It can even 'skeletonize' the blood vessels which massively decreases the intraoperative bleeding!

We use our CUSA for removal of brain tumors, spinal cord tumors, and other delicate procedures involving the central nervous system.  Our SonoCure is the premier CUSA developed exclusively for veterinary use.  One of the most amazing parts of this device is the bone tip.  By using an exclusive technique of delivering longitudinal-torsional movement, the bone handle can emulsify (or liquify) bone in very delicate areas while protecting the vital tissues just next to it!

The bone tip uses a special longitudinal-torsional movement to add unparalleled precision to removal of bone immediately adjacent to delicate and vital tissues.

The bone tip uses a special longitudinal-torsional movement to add unparalleled precision to removal of bone immediately adjacent to delicate and vital tissues.

The addition of the SonoCure CUSA to our equipment at LOVN is just another way that we strive to provide the very best in medical and surgical outcomes for you and your pet!  To remain on the cutting-edge of surgical technique and technology is our promise to you.