Brain tumors in dogs and cats

Dogs and cats can develop brain tumors similar to those found in people.  These tumors can cause a variety of clinical signs depending on where they are and what structures are affected.  Diagnosis often requires an MRI of the brain and sometimes we use spinal fluid tests as well.

Just because a dog or cat has a brain tumor, it doesn't mean that they can't be treated.  While some cancers are treated with chemotherapy, we have surgical options for some others.  The overall prognosis will depend on what type of tumor it is, where it is, and what treatment option is chosen.

Chemotherapy in animals is not very similar to what happens in people.  Because of the doses and drugs that we use, dogs and cats very rarely have significant side effects from the medications.  After all, our goal is ALWAYS to maintain your pet's quality of life for as long as we possibly can.

We've recently added a new device to our surgical suite that allows us to more readily and completely remove cancer cells at surgery.  It's called a Cavitronic Ultrasonic Aspirator, or CUSA.  This device uses ultrasound waves to disrupt the adhesions between the cancer cells which literally liquifies the tumor.  It then irrigates the area with saline and aspirates the cancer cells back out!

At LOVN we are skilled and experienced in all of the surgical approaches to the brain.  We have the technology and expertise to give your pet the very best care and outcome.  A recent case that we performed a transfrontal craniotomy on (see the illustration above) allowed us to use the CUSA for surgical removal of her meningioma.  With this device we are able to get so much of the tumor that we expect her to be disease free for close to two years!